Coffee Test-Drive the Book FREE

If you were in your favorite bookstore and you found this book, you would open the cover, feel the pages, browse the table of contents, and even read a bit to see if you liked it. You'd also probably grab a cup of coffee and a bagel at the bookstore's cafe to enjoy while you browse.

Well, we can't let you feel the pages, and this digital cup of coffee is about the best we can do in terms of refreshment, but we will let you view the table of contents to see what's included, and you can even download and read a chapter below.

The chapter we've chosen is one of the shorter chapters, but it introduces an important theme in the book and is indicative of the style of our writing and the type of support and encouragement we trust this book can offer. If you like what you read, please consider buying a copy.

To download the table of contents along with our sample chapter, please click the button below (right-click on your PC or ⌘+click on your Mac). Enjoy!
